Home Local News Armed Robbery Incident at Family Dollar Store-Suspects are still on the Loose

Armed Robbery Incident at Family Dollar Store-Suspects are still on the Loose

Armed robbery incident at Family Dollar Store

Last Tuesday around 9 PM robbers raided at the Family Dollar shop with arms, police source says. Anonymous amount of money was there at the store that robbers took at gunpoint. The family dollar store is located at Leesburg road where the incident of the robbery has completely influenced the cashier, especially who was at the gunpoint.

According to video footages, robbers were completely trained to steal at gunpoint, as they just took a while for the robbery. However, according to the police source, no one was injured during the robbery.

According to other sources, each week of the month incident of armed robbery is occurring in Columbia, South Carolina. Police have caught suspects other than the Family Dollar store robbery’s suspects, as police are still investigating and collecting information about the planned armed robbery at Family Dollar Shop.

In Columbia, more than half of the robbery cases involved arms where robbers took different things, especially money from different people at different places. However, robbery at Family Dollar Shop surprised people about the level of security they have at public places.

Police lack essential proofs to catch the suspects because of the hidden faces of robbers during the robbery. Besides, people also trying to stay away from telling the police about the incident of an armed robbery at the Family Dollar Shop.

Further information about the armed robbery is still under consideration. In addition, police are working through the help of k-9 police unit investigating the incident. Police also looking for solid proofs from the public side, as such robbery incidents require public support. But, no one has raised his or her hand about the armed robbery at Family Dollar Shop, Leesburg Road, Columbia, SC.

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