Saturday, February 22, 2025
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Tag: black

3 Things A Black Woman Can’t Do

3 Things a black woman can't do. This article is not to discourage but to give a perspective to the modern day black woman....

Is BLM Black Lives Matter a Fraud

Is BLM sending a false or hidden message? Are they truly for Black lives or are they hi-jacking a movement for financial gain? What...

George Floyd

I can't breath.

Annihilation in People of Color by Hysterectomy

Hysterectomy is one of the most common surgeries performed in the 20th century on U.S. women. Numerous Black native American girls and women faced...

Affirmative Action: The Good, The Bad

Affirmative action works to help ensure equal opportunity employment in that it requires companies to hire a certain number of individuals from minority groups. ...