3 Things A Black Woman Can’t Do
3 Things a black woman can't do. This article is not to discourage but to give a perspective to the modern day black woman....
Homestead Forum
Learn all there is to know about farming and running a farm with others that are sharing and learning from others at HomeSteadTalk. Learn...
Casting Call for Actors!
Casting call for actors is now open and available for all at CastingCallBoard And it's 100% free for all actors and filmmakers!
Modern Day Black Women
Modern Day Black Women are becoming self destructive.
Working and Education:
Modern day black women(mdbw) have been filling the work force and filling the classrooms pretty...
Is BLM Black Lives Matter a Fraud
Is BLM sending a false or hidden message? Are they truly for Black lives or are they hi-jacking a movement for financial gain? What...
Cheap Hosting
Finding cheap hosting today is easier than you think. Companies are popping up everywhere giving you the most for your buck. Dollar hosting companies...
Blindside vs Certainty Herbicide
Blindside herbicide is quickly becoming a household product for most pesticide applicators around the world. Blindside has 6% Metsulfuron and 60% Sulfentrazone. It covers...
How to Get Your Book Published
Getting your book published is a very daunting undertaking to add to your daily schedule. If your material is completed and you feel the...