Home Authors Posts by Anna Holley

Anna Holley


When is “Just One” Enough?

When is having or wanting “just one” something normal to humanity? When does any person desire only one of anything is a world where...

Run for Your Life, Facebook Is Taking Over Humanity!

We all scroll our latest news feed on Facebook. We do it while sipping our morning Joe, during lunch hour, right before we fall...

From Dump to Trump: How the 2008 Financial Crisis Got Trump...

  “Men being, as has been said, by nature, all free, equal and independent, no one can be put out of this estate, and subjected...

Tennessee Williams was right, or was it Tennessee Whiskey

It’s eleven in the morning. You just wake up. Your head pounding, bloodshot eyes, and memory loss of everything that happened after 2 am...

The Lord Be With You…And With Your Money

The Lord be with you...and also with you. This is a familiar phrase to many church goers around the world. This well-known phrase used...

Craigslist: No Filter

What rings a bell when the name Craigslist comes up in conversation? The Craigslist killer? Prostitution ads? Anything involving unconventional advertising probably would be...