Home Entertainment 3 Ways a Wife Can Ruin a Marriage

3 Ways a Wife Can Ruin a Marriage


3 Ways a Wife Can Ruin a Marriage is not recommended nor ideal. This is not meant for someone seeking to sabotage a marriage but rather to avoid this situation. So let’s begin.

  1. Do Not Cooperate

Insist that he follows your thoughts and ideas. Contest everything that he believes even if you have no evidence that his way is not correct. Challenge everything that he suggests. Make him prove everything.

2. Never Pat Him on the Back

Never acknowledge any of his achievements, When he talks about his accomplishments just smile and say, “okay.” Compare his accomplishments to others and ask if he’s planning to do more.

3. No Sex

Sex is off limits. Please yourself when he’s away. Take the sex completely out of his life. Let him know sex does nothing for you.

Previous articleKelli María Korducki
The Columbia Observer Staff Writer


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