Home Business Futa for Dummies-5 Steps!

Futa for Dummies-5 Steps!

The Columbia Observer Futa

This explanation will be using the 2019 rate of .006. The Federal Unemployment Tax(Futa) is to be paid by all employers that had payroll withholding.

  1. The first thing you will need is to look at each quarters separately(there are 4). You are looking for all paid employees. Any amount over $7000 for each employee will not be used, so if someone (employee 1)has $10,000 for the first quarter, you will only use the maximum which currently is $7000. If another employee(employee 2) had $3000 for the first quarter you will use that total sum, because anything up to $7000 or less will be used. But if it’s over $7000 only take the first $7000 as a max.
  2. So now you have employee 1 with $7000 and employee 2 with $3000. Write this down!
  3. Multiply each employees amount by the .006
  4. Employee 1: $7000 x .06= $42; Employee 2: $3000 x .006=$18.
  5. Your Futa for the first Quarter is $60.


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